Most of us don’t have any problem imagining a big God who does big things. In fact, we prefer it that way. Our problem seems to be believing in a big God who does big things for us.
The Scriptures reveal much about God … a BIG God. Yahweh. The great “I am.” The Self-existent One. Eternal. The only True God. Holy, Holy, Holy. Incomprehensible. Incomparable. Unchanging. Dwelling in light unapproachable. All-seeing, All-knowing, All-powerful. The Almighty. Righteous. Sovereign. Reigning supreme over all. Not only seeing the end from the beginning, but decreeing the end from the beginning. Whose will cannot be thwarted and whose Word always accomplishes its purpose. Creator. Sustainer. Redeemer. Author. Finisher. Just and Justifier. With ways that are unsearchable and thoughts that are unfathomable. Without limitation, impossibility, or degree of difficulty. Glorious. Good. Beautiful. Awesome. Majestic. Exalted. Wondrous. Worthy.
So what about BIG things? Speaking a universe into existence. Setting the sun, moon, and stars in their places. Stretching out the skies. Carving out vast oceans. Sculpting mountains. A world teeming with abundance. Author of life itself. Incredible and amazing, but how about …
A God who calls each star by name, yet numbers the hairs on your head? (Matthew 10:30)
A God who ordains the scope of history, yet is intimately acquainted with all your ways? (Psalm 139:3)
A God who is an all-consuming fire, but keeps your tears in His bottle? (Psalm 56:8)
A God so holy the angels cover themselves in His presence, but who “so loved” He gave the blood of His only Son to cover you? (John 3:16)
No wonder the psalmist exclaimed, “the nearness of God is my good.” (Psalm 73:28)
Merciful. Compassionate. Forgiving. Loving. Faithful. The God of all comfort. The God of all peace. The God of all grace. The God of all hope.
Near. Here. Present. Personal. Intimate. Immanuel. God with us. Jesus. The Great Shepherd of the sheep. Who laughs with us in our joy and weeps with us in our pain. Who bore our griefs and carried our sorrows. Who will never leave us nor forsake us. Stronghold. Fortress. Rock. Refuge. Shelter. Hiding place. Anchor. Rescuer. Protector. Healer. Deliverer. Warrior. Savior. A God of Newness. A God of Transformation. A God of Resurrection. Turning ashes into beauty, mourning into laughter, despair into praise, fear into faith, death into life.
A God who is able . . . Able to see our need. Able to hear to our cry. Able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or think. An unlimited God limited only by us.
Saved by the cross of Christ, born again unto living hope, passed from death unto life eternal, one day seeing our Redeemer face to face in glory … no problem, Lord! Big God; big things!
But what about right here and right now? What is God just waiting for you to ask Him to do for His glory? How is God longing to show Himself strong on your behalf? When will He hear your voice of faith calling out to a big God to do big things?
I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened, so that you will know what is the hope of His calling, what are the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints, and what is the surpassing greatness of His power toward us who believe. (Ephesians 1:18-19 NASB)
Tim McKenzie
On Every Word Ministries
August 2014
* Written in honor of my friend Steve Seelig who is living proof that our big God does big things.
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