Charles Poor
A new blog about Steve Seelig has recently appeared aptly titled “BIG GOD, BIG THINGS” with a tag line that says “God Is Big and He Does Big Things.” The blog’s spirit, content, and visuals are first class; by any measure, the blog is well, well done, complete with cited Biblical references that document that we serve a BIG GOD, supplemented by words from people that are deservedly well known as big time and effective communicators such as Beth Moore, Greg Matte, Reagan Courtney and others who describe how the life and person of Steve Seelig, in concert with his wife and partner in ministry Bonita, is synonymous with BIG THINGS.
The aforementioned communicators appropriately make references to past occurrences where the creativity and energy of Steve produced experiences and events that glorified God and blessed the lives of many. Any attempt to accurately quantify the scope and depth of Christ-honoring service carried out by Steve and Bonita would be futile; the spiritual impact upon others through Steve and Bonita indeed personifies “BIG GOD, BIG THINGS.”
However, true to my contrarian ways, I must offer a “minority report”; namely, that “God Is Big and He Also Does Little Things … Like Evidenced through the Life of Steve Seelig.” Here are some examples of God doing little but significant things through Steve Seelig:
1. | Steve has always included people considered little by earthly standards in activities with so-called “normals”; such people with special needs could have names that begin with letters like A, C or J. These people are not only “precious in His sight” but are also precious, loved and always included by Steve. |
2. | Steve has always been willing to belittle his own person and appearance (for example, being silly by doing things like nonchalantly sticking multiple carrot and celery sticks in his nose and ears while making public announcements) toward a goal of connecting individuals and moving them toward coalescing into a spiritual frame of mind. Like others who have known Steve a long time, I have come to realize there is nearly always a method to his madness when he engages in outrageous behavior; the laughter he produces routinely morphs 180 degrees into group oneness and spiritual readiness for a serious, non-silly presentation of the Gospel. |
3. | Steve has spent a lifetime looking for, finding and promoting into prominence little known Christian artists (mostly musical) who possessed raw, yet undeveloped talent; he clearly has an “eye” for untapped potential in individuals, couples and even groups. It is easy to identify those who once were no-names but now are award-winning, professionally-successful artists who use their special attributes to inspire others and honor the Lord God before big and little audiences around the world … all having received direction and wise counsel from Papa Steve. |
4. | Steve throughout his ministry has, without fanfare or complaint and unknown by most, engaged in non-glamorous, little behaviorisms aimed at making the upcoming important project or program a success – things like being the first one arriving and the last one leaving the office or event, freely paying for project related materials and expenses out of his own pocket, and driving all over town to do little things like timely getting the “proof to the printer.” |
5. | Steve, later saying “it was just a little thing,” ministered unspeakably to my seriously-ill daughter, Julianna, as he entered her hospital room and engaged in comedic behavior that caused her to laugh, lifted her spirits and tempered the devastating news she received earlier in the day. Indeed, Steve’s impromptu zaniness on many occasions has brought to life a little verse from Proverbs 17:22 … “A cheerful heart is like good medicine.” |

The Beauties (Bonita and Joanna)
and the Beasts (Charlie and Steve)
So, just as GOD IS BIG AND WILL ALWAYS DO BIG THINGS, let the rest of us join Steve and Bonita and not forget that though flawed we, nonetheless, have the capacity, and even Biblically-based marching orders, to offer seemingly little but important “cups of cold water” to all those in need in our Master’s Name. Thank you, Steve and Bonita, for modeling how Christ-followers should engage in both BIG and little things by “going about and doing good” for the glory of God.

Steve and Charlie at HFBC’s Christmas Celebration 2013
Charles R. Poor
Minister of Counseling Emeritus
Houston’s First Baptist Church
What a great tribute to a precious couple! Through this journey we have seen lived out Nehemiah 8:10 –
“. . . The joy of theLord is your strength and stronghold!”
Good to see you again Charles! Great writing about Steve. Had 2 friends this week that lost their battle with cancer:( when will they find a cure