Yesterday I sat at the feet of a gifted teacher. Her name is Jeannette Clift George. She taught from II Samuel about a season in David’s life when he was pressed from every side. Times were terrible for David and God’s plan seemed distant and impossible. Although chosen by God, David experienced one challenge after another. Mrs. George set the stage well and each listener was aware of David’s plight. But then, in her delightful way, she said something I shall never forget. She said, Sometimes the worst of times are just the wrapping for the best of times.
These words landed on me in a big way! Trials certainly have taught me about God’s faithfulness. Loss has taught me God’s tenderness. God’s patience with me in my rebellion has truly demonstrated His deep love for me. And yes, as I look back I see that the worst of times in my life have been the wrapping for the best of times. What a sweet glimpse of the God I love and adore!

Jim & Lisa Mahan
Straining to see God through my tears has actually sharpened my vision. Calling out to God in fear has helped refine my voice in times of peace. Finding forgiveness at the end of my rebellious roads has helped me to walk triumphantly. Yes, the worst of times have been the wrapping for the best of times because they have led me right into my Savior’s arms.
My friends Steve and Bonita have been walking through the worst of times. They might argue with me about that. You see, their tears have helped them focus on the people around them who need to know about Jesus. Each time God has given them a song in their darkness, they have shared it with all who would hear. While they would have never chosen this road for themselves, they travel it confidant in God’s Great Big Love. They prove that sometimes the worst of times are just the wrapping for the best of times. Their worst of times is changing other people’s lives for the better and for eternity!
Wherever you are today, best of times or worst of times, what is God teaching you? Has He given you a song? Listen and you might just hear Steve and Bonita singing …
Every day with Jesus is sweeter than the day before
Every day with Jesus I love Him more and more
Jesus saves and keeps me and He’s the one I’m living for
Every day with Jesus is sweeter than the day before
Lisa Mahan
Director of Women’s Ministry
Second Baptist Church, Houston, TX

Lisa with two of her grandchildren

The Seeligs and the Mahans
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