(Bonita always says it best. She is the greatest blessing in my life!!)
Many of you have prayed for us all these years, not only with health issues, but because you care. You cared about our marriage, our kids, and our ministry. We can never thank you enough for the overwhelming peace and love that your friendship has given to our lives. We are richer because of your friendship and your prayers. You are dear to us. Don’t stop praying!!!!
Being a preacher’s daughter, I have always been guarded and protective of our personal life. Not that we needed to hide, but I wanted to keep something back that could remain private. What I discovered during this journey with Steve’s illness is that nothing is private with cancer. Cancer is out there big and ugly. Once you start down that road, it is so obvious to everyone around that you are dealing with the big “C.” Your pride, dignity, and faith are challenged each and every moment of the day. You are exposed to others in ways you never dreamed. All shades are lifted and privacy is a thing of the past.
So, I decided that this must be God’s plan. He still wants us out there teaching, listening, and laughing our way down this frightening journey, sharing with others who are going through, were going through, and might possibly go through a similar experience where your faith is tested every day. What we have found? GOD shows up every day. HE is still walking with us and listening to everything we say, the good , the bad, and the ugly. HE loves us just the same yesterday, today and FOREVER. HE is that FOREVER GOD that doesn’t forget, take naps or recesses. HE always accepts my call .
JESUS loves me this I know …
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