I remember the first time I saw New Mexico. Climbing the mountains, in our car of course, New Mexico became a sight that Texans from Fort Worth had never seen before. The colors in those mountains were too numerous to count, and when the sun began to set it took your breath away just gazing at the site itself. God’s color palette showed off big time on those mountains.
As if those mountains weren’t enough, turning into the gate at Glorieta was as if we were in heaven itself! Glorieta Baptist Encampment was nestled in those mountains and in its best years was the epitome of a family vacation. I learned to fly fish camping by the Pecos River and cooked the trout covered with cornmeal over a wood burning stove. Running through those deep woods and the smell of pine and piñon trees had stayed in my memory for years. There was an unmistakable aroma of piñon that would sift through the air along with the companion smell of cedar. Those smells, along with many good times, are forever etched in my brain.

Glorieta Baptist Encampment
I stood in awe! The God of Angel Armies seemed so close the higher up I climbed and the longer I stayed. Both of my parents attended and taught there, as did Bonita’s parents. As children, unknowingly we probably were there at the same time. (It was awesome to be asked to also teach there many years later.)
There have been many times that I have stood in awe of what God has allowed me to participate in during these years of ministry. I love working hard and then standing back to see what God does with my feeble efforts. Seeing 2000 pairs of shoes standing empty in Discovery Green park here in Houston left me in tears and unable to catch my breath . . . shoes that would be donated to those in need. Again . . . I stood in awe. I was caught by surprise, but HE wasn’t.
Bible study in May is in Malachi, and it is calling us to present our very best to the Lord . . . calling us to stand in awe in the presence of the very Lord who gave us His only Son. How can we do less?
Lyrics to I Stand In Awe of You by Hillsong
You are beautiful beyond description
Too marvelous for words
Too wonderful for comprehension
Like nothing ever seen or heard
Who can grasp Your infinite wisdom?
Who can fathom the depths of Your love?
You are beautiful beyond description
Majesty enthroned above
And I stand, I stand in awe of You
I stand, I stand in awe of You
Holy God to whom all praise is due
I stand in awe of You
I need your help . . .
I am so grateful to many of you (200,000+) who have visited my first-ever blog site, www.biggodbigthings.com . . . well, more like humbled! I pray that you will be blessed by the offerings. This is my very first try at something like this.
It would be helpful if you would SUBSCRIBE to the site. If you subscribe (only with email address) then you will be contacted by email every time something new is posted on the blog. You can subscribe by entering your email address in the box that is located in the right margin on my landing page at www.biggodbigthings.com. It’s easy and pain free!
ALSO, I would be blessed for you to take time to make comments along the way. I would love to hear from you.
Be gentle with me. It’s rough to throw yourself out there for public viewing. I guess this fulfills my lifelong dream of having an 800- number, Papa Steve apparel, matching outfits, bobble head, and a tour bus. Who knows? ……. just kidding, you know.
Happy Viewing!
BTW, if you will notice the menu to the right is a place called “Prayers for the Suffering.” These are posted every Monday. I hope they will be a blessing to you.
Note: what some have done is copy the prayer and text to friends who are suffering. Mostly, take them to heart and let them be your prayers with personal paraphrase.
Bless You!
Hey Steve. Can’t wait to read your thoughts. You are awesome.
Love reading your blog Steve and looking forward to receive your emails! Love you all and miss you