Thank You, Father God, for the truth that we have full access to You because of what Jesus has done. He opened the way and allows us to come and talk with You in prayer. Hallelujah!
O LORD our Lord, how majestic is Your Name in all the earth! You have set Your glory above the heavens. From the lips of children and infants You have ordained praise (Psalm 8:1,2) Thank You, Father, that even a child’s sincere praise shuts the enemy’s mouth! Thank You, Lord, that our praise is heard as a shout, a war cry to the enemy, and he must flee. Rebuke him from harassing us in the Name of Jesus.
We worship You as Lord and Master over all the universe; all authority is in Your Hands. Nothing is here that You did not create. You are Father God Who loves us and desires to hear our praise. Please fill our mouths with words and songs of worship to You. You are so worthy. Worthy is the Lamb Who was slain to receive power and wealth and wisdom and strength and honor and glory and praise! (Revelation 5:12)
Shout with joy to God all the earth. Sing the glory of His Name; make His praise glorious! (Psalm 66:1) Praise the LORD, O my soul. Let all that is within me praise His holy Name! (Psalm 103:1)
When we praise You, God, it takes our eyes off of ourselves and our circumstances and reminds us that You are sovereign and holy and righteous. You alone are worthy of our full focus and worship. I pray I will find joy in worship even as I face the unknown. Nothing is certain except that You are God eternal. You love us and keep us; You give us abundant life as well as eternal life and promise to never leave us. Praise be to God!
According to Psalm 18:39, You equip us with strength for the battle; You make those who rise against us to sink under us. Thank You, Father, that You strengthen us to fight the spiritual battles that attack our minds. Let faith arise! Let the enemy cower in the face of our praise and worship. Fear must leave in Jesus’ Name! Doubt be gone in Jesus’ Name! Faith arise and flourish that no matter what, we will remain faithful to the end.
Thank You for those who lead us in songs of worship. Bless them, Father! Anoint them with creativity to write and create new songs that will minister to Your people everywhere. Thank You for music itself, for melody and harmony and differing ranges of voices. For those of us who don’t have beautiful voices, thank You that we will one day and that even now, I believe You hear our hearts more than our voices.
May the words of our mouths and the meditation of our hearts be pleasing to Your sight, O LORD, our Rock and our Redeemer. (Psalm 19:14) We trust in You, O LORD; we say “Our times are in Your Hands; deliver us from our enemies” – unforgiveness, bitterness, despair, fear, unbelief, hopelessness, feeling alone. Let Your Face shine on your servant; save us in Your unfailing love. (Psalm 31: 14-16)
Holy Spirit, be so near. Administer hope and joy and security in Christ to us I pray. Be so personal and obvious and assure us that You, Father God, see and know and are always at work.
In Jesus’ delivering Name, Amen.
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