We found ourselves going out to eat in BV (Buena Vista, CO) with the family . . . city folks going to eat at a country steak restaurant. Jeffrey told us in the car exactly what to expect. There was a set menu. No changes. He went through every detail. You had two choices, and you couldn’t vary from those choices. We all got out of the car and walked in.
We sat down at the table, and again the waitress told us our choices. We looked at the brief menu. Did we try to change the choices? Of course we did! “Could we substitute?”. “Could we have a different kind of dressing?” “Tell us again, what are our choices?” On and on we tried to change the menu. We tried to have it our way. It didn’t work. The waitress continued to state the menu plan until we got it right. Two choices. Period. We ordered. Delicious meal. All were happy!
As I was preparing for my Bible study lesson in Malachi, this situation came to mind. A simple evening with the family. Simple menu, but we all wanted to change the plan. In life, God gives us a plan. Two choices. HIS way … our way. We keep trying to change HIS plan. We mess it up. We go about our lives thinking we have it down, but we find that we vary from what we know to be true, start walking in the wrong direction to get our own way, and mess it up again. Then, hopefully, we find ourselves at the feet of the only One that can help to get us back on the perfect menu.
BEST DINNER WE EVER ATE! Choice one or two, as it was designed, would be the best. Life can be at its best because we already have the menu. The Word is in our hands. Simple order. Satisfies the soul.
“Love the Lord your God with all your heart, your mind, your soul; and the second is like unto it, love your neighbor as yourself.” Mark 12:30-31
I need your help . . .
I am so grateful to many of you (200,000+) who have visited my first-ever blog site, www.biggodbigthings.com . . . well, more like humbled! I pray that you will be blessed by the offerings. This is my very first try at something like this.
It would be helpful if you would SUBSCRIBE to the site. If you subscribe (only with email address) then you will be contacted by email every time something new is posted on the blog. You can subscribe by entering your email address in the box that is located in the right margin on my landing page at www.biggodbigthings.com. It’s easy and pain free!
ALSO, I would be blessed for you to take time to make comments along the way. I would love to hear from you.
Be gentle with me. It’s rough to throw yourself out there for public viewing. I guess this fulfills my lifelong dream of having an 800- number, Papa Steve apparel, matching outfits, bobble head, and a tour bus. Who knows? ……. just kidding, you know.
Happy Viewing!
BTW, if you will notice the menu to the right is a place called “Prayers for the Suffering.” These are posted every Monday. I hope they will be a blessing to you.
Note: what some have done is copy the prayer and text to friends who are suffering. Mostly, take them to heart and let them be your prayers with personal paraphrase.
Bless You!